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Casts and CPM

880 words·5 mins·


**- What is CPM: ** **- Typical CPM values: ** **- How to correctly analyze low CPM: ** **- How to check consistency of casts: **

Open the Casts tab. We can look at one’s CPM by clicking on a person of interest in the group list below the graph or selecting them from droplist of “Friendles” as we did many times before.

Rule #1: While Casts per Minute aka CPM is important without doubt, this number alone without context cannot be used to judge a healer.

CPM consists of multiple actions:

  • casting skills
  • light and heavy attacking
  • barswapping
  • taking synergies
  • drinking potions

Two which are actually important for healers is casting skills and light/heavy attacking.

Rule #2: normal CPM of experienced healer who can weave is always in 90-115 range. Yes, even in Ro/Jo.

If we will assume that you cast non stop and light attack weave every skill your CPM will be around 125-135 (GCD = 1s, GCD is separate for skills and la, hence 60 for skills, 60 for la, a couple of barswaps). That ofc never really happens because we don’t live in a perfect world. For healer who does not have to heavy attack (not in RO or Stone Talker) number can be as close to perfect as you want to make it - and with a bit of practice will be in 100-120 range. For RO/Stone Talker healers 90-100 is good range.

For lots of new or more casual players this number is significantly lower - but that does not necessarily means they are bad healers!

People appeal to CPM as important metric because casting a skill every second is important for good healing output and uptimes. Good weaving is important to keep up good uptimes on certain sets like Martial Knowledge and activating front bar enchantment, but is more forgiving to mistakes than for DPS role, because its not gonna affect total group DPS in a serious way.

So what to do if your CPM is lower than 90?

First and foremost, figure out how much abilities you cast per minute. Theoretical maximum is 60, but in reality its most often 55 in a fight without interruptions, and 50 for the fight with interruptions like dragons in vSS. If you number is below 50 on a fight without interruptions - you have to work on speeding up your rotation a little bit.

To do that, copypaste this expression into a box on top right here and press “Enter”: this will filter out all CPM noise (la/ha/synergies/pots/barswaps/blocks/bashes/dodge), only leaving ability casts.

attachment NOT IN ( 16165, /* Flame LA / 15383, / Flame HA / 18350, / Shock LA / 18396, / Shock HA / 15279, / 1H HA / 15435, / 1H LA / 16145, / Resto LA / 16212, / Resto HA / 16277, / Frost LA / 16499, / DW LA / 16037, / 2H LA / 28541, / Swap Weapon / 61874, / swap to weapon set 1 / 61875, / swap to weapon set 2 / 39301, / Combustion (orb)/ 95040, / Combustion (new) / 95042, / Healing Combustion / 45227, / Major Sorcery (potion) / 48076, / Charged Lightning (atro synergy) / 23196, / Conduit / 22269, / Purify / 26832, / Blessed Shards / 32910, / Shackle (dk ult synergy) / 63507, / Healing Combustion (orb) / 14890, / Block / 41838, / Radiate (rangetaunt synergy) / 95922, / Holy Shards / 17328, / Restore Stamina (pot) / 28549, / Roll Dodge / 45382, / Restore Health (pot) / 21970, / Bash / 26770, / Resurrect / 41963, / Blood Feast (overflowing altar) / 16565, / Break Free / 68401, / Tripot / 72931, / Restore Magicka (pot) / 141920, / Sanguine Burst / 115548, / Grave Robber / 85572, / Harvest (warden seeds) / 107636, / Symbiosys / 16688, / Light Attack (Bow) / 114769, / Light Attack (Power Overload) / 45228, / Major Brutality (potion) / 42194, / Spinal Surge / 16261, / Heavy Attack (Ice) / 32974, / Ignite / 45223 / Restore Magicka */ )

In the result, you’ll get a small list of actions:


Rule #3: Number in a red box - skills per minute, is the one you want to actually use as a measuring stick to see if a person needs to improve cast speed or not.

If this value is good but overall CPM is low, one might want to improve LA weaving.

Other useful feature of this tab is that it allows to easily see consistency of casts.

Make sure you have a person selected, and looking at ability list.

If you like graphic representation you can click on ability on the graph to see distribution in time like here:


In case of HoTs slight overcasting is not an issue, because this often means group moves to a different position, but big gaps between HoTs is something important to check for. If this is consistent issue its a major red flag and needs improvement.

Make sure to check ALL HoTs, including Overflowing Altar.

If you would rather work with text and numbers than graph, there is another way - you will have to click on ability you want to analyze and then switch to “Events” tab here:
