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Disclaimer: This is a channel about scribing from the perspective of pve healers. Categorizations of a skill’s strong/weak points stem from a healer’s role. Since scribing is a new part of this game, information below may contain errors and shortcomings that hopefully will be fixed as we ourselves improve with time and experience.

Q: What is scribing to healers? A: Scribing skills are additional tools that offer new ways to heal, shield or buff your allies, as well as debuffing enemies.

Q: Is there a best combo for a skill? A: There are better combinations for specific roles to do specific jobs, yes, but above all you customize skills to fit your needs.

Q: Do I absolutely need scribing as a healer? A: No. There are usually multiple ways to provide buffs and debuffs, scribing does not offer any irreplaceable functions.

Q: Does the “Sage Remedy” signature script proc pearls? A: Sadly it does not. The healing focus is the deciding factor if a skill procs pearls or not (Ulfsild’s contingency being the exception, since casting said skill means putting a rune on yourself that triggers later)

General rules of thumb (THERE CAN BE EXCEPTIONS!)

🔹Scripts with the same name might have different effects when applied to different skills (eg. Magic damage focus on mender’s bond does not deal damage directly)

🔹Magical damage focus makes your skills cost mag, martial damage focus makes your skills cost stam (exception being torchbearer where flame damage costs stam)

🔹Skills with healing/shielding focus can apply buffs to your allies, while skills with damage-dealing focus only apply buffs to yourself

🔹The focus you pick changes the name of a skill, for example:

  • Physical Damage = Sundering Smash Smash + Bleed Damage = Bloody Smash Smash + Knockback = Repelling Smash

<:Smash:1257516213488320532> Smash (2H)

Friendlies affected with buffs: 6 (if using healing/shielding focus) Enemies affected with debuffs: 6 (if using taunt/stun/knockback focus), no target cap if using damage focus Pros: Strong AoE burst heal Cons: Healing and shielding focus cost stam, not sustainable on regular healing builds

<:ShieldThrow:1257520322207416340> Shield Throw (S+B)

Friendlies affected with buffs: Only yourself Enemies affected with debuffs: 1 (3 if you use multi-target focus) Pros: Targetable ST hard taunt Cons: The niche advantage of certain combos might not be worth for a healer to use S+B

<:Vault:1257520368550285322> Vault (Bow)

Friendlies affected with buffs: 6 (if using healing focus) Enemies affected with debuffs: no target cap Pros: In an ideal world where there’s no obstacles on a wide, flat road, vaulting is quicker than sprinting Cons: You can’t see where you are vaulting towards, and you can’t vault over higher elevation

<:TravellingKnife:1257520277068447754> Travelling Knife (DW)

Friendlies affected with buffs: Only yourself Enemies affected with debuffs: No target cap Pros: Provides unique debuffs on enemies that can benefit the entire raid group (Assassin’s Misery & Warrior’s Opportunity) Cons: Quite difficult to control area of targeting unless using “multi-target” focus script, which costs stamina to cast Skills need to be casted too often to keep up unique debuffs, not effective to be put on a healer Example of a usable combo:


<:ElementalExplosion:1257520291740123227> Elemental Explosion (Destro)

Friendlies affected with buffs: Only yourself Enemies affected with debuffs: 6 (if using dispel/stun/knockback focus), no target cap if using damage focus Pros: Large area of coverage (10m radius) Cons: 2 seconds of cast time Example of a usable combo:


<:MendersBond:1257520308844367872> Mender's Bond (Resto)

Friendlies affected with buffs: Everyone as long as they are in range Enemies affected with debuffs: No target cap as long as they are in range Pros: No target cap for buffs or debuffs Cons: Bad targeting all around. Healing/shielding focus goes to closest 6 or less than 6, which means linked target does not guaranteed healing or shielding. Not the easiest to maintain buffs on allies depending on fights. Example of a usable combo:


<:SoulBurst:1257520732116619308> Soul Burst (Soul Magic)

Friendlies affected with buffs: 6 Enemies affected with debuffs: 6 (if using immobilize/pull focus), no target cap if using damage focus Pros: 1 of the 2 ways to provide minor courage to allies, healing focus compatible with Pearls of Ehlnofey Cons: Very costly and no smart targeting for buffs Example of a usable combo:


<:WieldSoul:1257520385432227951> Wield Soul (Soul Magic)

Friendlies affected with buffs: 1 Enemies affected with debuffs: 1 Pros: It’s a single-target skill hence it provides major buffs and debuffs in stead of minor ones. Now major cowardice is accessible to all classes and not just nightblades. Cons: It’s a single-target skill Example of a usable combo:


<:Contingency:1257520700663660605> Ulfsild's Contingency (Mages Guild)

Friendlies affected with buffs: 6, but target cap removed if using growing impact signature script Enemies affected with debuffs: 6, but target cap removed if using growing impact signature script Pros: On demand shields that can go to half the group. Using growing impact removes target cap (only for Affix) Cons: Not compatible with Pearls of Ehlnofey Example of a usable combo:


<:Torchbearer:1257520343258632295> Torchbearer (Fighter's Guild)

Friendlies affected with buffs: 6 each sweep Enemies affected with debuffs: 6 each sweep (if using stun/knockback focus), no target cap if using damage focus Pros: Healing for each sweep is roughly 0.75s, so faster than regular GCD. Cons: All variations of skill cost stam, cannot sustain a lot of casts on a regular healer’s build. Has 2s channel time. Example of a usable combo:


<:Trample:1257520357498425344> Trample (Alliance War)

Friendlies affected with buffs: Only yourself (Using Thief Swiftness signature script being the exception, where everyone in the path will get the unique speed buff) Enemies affected with debuffs: no target cap Pros: Provides groupwide unique speed buff with “Thief’s Swiftness” signature script + major heroism for yourself Cons: 1.5s cast time, speed buff is grounded and not sticky Example of a usable combo:


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